J-Braid Grand x8 Line Rugged Men's Outdoor

Color Island Blue Dark Green
Size 30lb 150yd 20lb 150yd 40lb 150yd 30lb 300yd 50lb 300yd 15lb 150yd 50lb 150yd 40lb 300yd 10lb 150yd 20lb 300yd
Introducing J-BRAID x8 GRAND, the new Ultimate Braid in Daiwa’s J-Braid Family. Strong, and resistant to abrasion yet well-bodied enough to lay smoothly on the spool. J-Braid x8 GRAND line is a complete line up of high quality 8 carrier braid made of the finest materials from Japan. J-BRAID x8 GRAND is spun with Izanas, a state-of-the-art new material utilizing 8 Carriers. These 8 carriers are supple yet with Izanas they’re 4 times as abrasion resistant as a typically tougher 4 carrier.